Mey Beisaron


Mey Beisaron

Mey is a Software Engineer, a Public speaker and a Mentor.
When she is not spending her weekends coding games or speaking at tech conferences, she experiments with algorithms or playing Super Mario Bros. in Nintendo Switch.
As she recently joined the Infrastructure forces at Forter, Clojure is not her main development language anymore, but it will forever be her favorite one.
Mey is a sworn star wars fan. May the force be with you

Workshop and Talk- October 7th and 8th

Talk - Evolution 3.0 : solve your everyday problems with genetic algorithm

When was the last time you wrote an algorithm to plan your diet?
As programmers we do amazing things in our everyday job, but we rarely use our knowledge at home.
In this talk I will share how I coded a Genetic Algorithm from scratch and used it to solve my everyday problems: creating the ultimate diet plan and planning my semester timetable.
I will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Problems and how to define a problem as one. Taking the audience through code examples written in Javascript I will present the different steps of the Genetic Algorithm.
Let me show you a different side of the Genetic Algorithm so you will discover a new way to solve your everyday problems.

Workshop - Talk nerdy to me!

You’ve probably heard that people fear public speaking more than death itself - So if you don’t want to do a tech talk you’re not the only one.
Thing is, although you’re a developer sometimes you might find yourself in a situation where you’ll have to present something: A new feature, new architecture, your idea for solving the most annoying bug in your service.
In this workshop you’re going to learn about what you can do to make your tech talks exciting and more appealing to the audience and create your first tech talk presentation!
Don’t have a subject for a tech talk? Perfect! We will also learn how to find subjects for tech talks.
What are you waiting for? Register now! I promise lots of fun and Star Wars memes ;)